Dr. Sunanda Anand
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
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About Dr. Sunanda Anand
- June 2001 - feb 2006 - senior research associate & clinical fellow consultant. Seth GS medical college & KEM hospital.
- 1998 - 2001 : senior resident neurology (DM neurology) Dr. V. puri MD, DM. Dr. ravi Nehru MD, DM.
- 1997 - 1998 : Senior Resident Medicine: Safdarjang Medical College And Hospital. New Delhi.
- 1994 - 1997 : MD Medicine, Govt Medical College And Hospital, Jabalpur, M.P.
- DM Neurology - 1998-2001
- MD Internal Medicine 1994 - 1997
- Senior Resident Internal Medicine - 1997-1998
- MBBS 1988 - 1994
- Merit scholarship in all 3 professionals in MBBS.
- Gold medal in gynecology and pharmacology in MBBS.
Stroke Neurology.
strong Research work : /strong /p Interventional Stroke Neurologist: European stroke trial on efficacy and safety of penumbra thrombectomy device in acute stroke. Senior research associate: role of local thrombolytic therapy in central venous sinus thrombosing using urokinase. Dissertation: role of trimetazedine in chronic stable angina pectoris using clinical methods and treadmill test. strong Publications: /strong /p Endovascular management of intracranial arterio Intramedullary cavernous haemangioma. A case report Randomized prospective study of outcome of short term antiepileptic treatment in single enhancing CT lesion. Circadian regulation of sleep and wakefulness. Paradoxil response in CNS tuberculosis. HSP presenting as mitochondrial cytopathy. Reversible neurological manifestation in patient of central pontine myelinolysis. Heparin or local thrombolysis in central venous sinus thrombosis.